Emin, Patric, P.2023-03-012023-03-011976https://unbscholar.lib.unb.ca/handle/1882/14696FABLE is a sub-tasking monitor which was designed originally to execute as a problem program under IBM's OS/MFT-II (with sub-tasking) operating system. It provides a facility for programmers at any HASP workstation, reader or RJE terminal, to submit programs or problems to a variety of compilers and processors, such as: WATFIV, PL/C, ALGOLW, WATBOL, and ASSIST, without the usual overhead required for job scheduling and resource allocation. Output is returned to the same terminal with very fast turnaround. Programs are submitted in batches of one or more problems, for one or more processors, in any order; the only job control language (JCL) required is one job card per batch.http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2A partition monitor for fast-batch-processing with limited execution (FABLE)technical reportComputer Science