Dore, J. M.Adam, A. G.Tokaryk, D. W.Linton, C.2023-03-022023-03-022019 laser-induced fluorescence spectra of the (2, 0) [18.3]3-X3Δ3 transition of cobalt monoboride (CoB) have been recorded. We report updated rotational parameters for both the [18.3]3 (v′ = 2) and X3Δ3 (v″ = 0) states of Co11B, as well as newly determined hyperfine interaction parameters. The observed hyperfine splitting is mainly due to the nuclear spin of 59Co (I = 7/2, μ/μN = 4.627); the 11B (I = 3/2, μ/μN = 2.689) interaction only results in broadening of the individual hyperfine transitions. The magnetic hyperfine constants help confirm the ground state electronic configuration, (8σ)2(3π)4(1δ)3(9σ)1, and provide more insight into the configurational mixing in the excited state. Analysis of the (2, 0) [18.3]3-X3Δ3 Transition of Cobalt Monoboridejournal article