Clowater, Duane2023-06-072023-06-071990 polystyrene (EPS) i s a m a t e r i a l that has been used r e c e n t l y as a lightweight f i l l . It i s used to reduce loads over problem s o i l s which w i l l r e s u l t in lower settlements and lower maintenance costs. The use of expanded polystyrene has been l i m i t e d by a lack of knowledge about the m a t e r i a l and how i t i s used. Testing of EPS i s necessary so that more e f f i c i e n t and e f f e c t i v e designs can be produced.v, 104 pageselectronicen-CA of expanded polystyrene for its use as a lightweight fillsenior reportA. LandvaO., LandvaCivil Engineering