Bain, Tod Niko Galbraith2023-06-072023-06-072003 Wajax facility in Fredericton, New Brunswick is nearing the end of its useful life. Wajax Industries is looking for new facilities in which to relocate when their current lease expires. The purpose of this report was to evaluate Wajax' s current business processes and facilities in order to develop a new improved facility layout. This report describes the steps in which to carry out a facility layout design. As a result of this report, two new facility layouts were designed and evaluated. Wajax Industries selected one design based on the merits of the comparative evaluation. Wajax now has a new facility layout in which they can choose operate when the current facilities are vacated. Key Words: Facilities design, Facilities Engineering, Facilities Layout, Facilities Planning.vii, 45 pageselectronicen-CA proposal for the facility layout of an industrial equipment garagesenior reportRickards, JeremyJ., RickardsForest Engineering