Thorne, Michael M.2023-06-072023-06-071991 report evaluates the various types of wastewater treatment processes in New Brunswick. The operation of these processes w i l l be discussed, giving a brief explanation on how each process works. A discussion will be given for each process on ways to increase i t s e f f i c i e n c y. The second part of t h i s report w i l l be a f a c i l i t y plan for Bath, New Brunswick. With the help of a computer program called CAPDET, (Computer Assisted £rocedure for the Resign and Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Systems), preliminary designs and cost analysis w i l l be discussed for s i x different wastewater treatments.electronicen-CA of the wastewater treatment processes in New Brunswick and facility plan for Bath, New Brunswicksenior reportLin, K.C., KinCivil Engineering