Thorpe, Amelia2024-07-032024-07-032024-04 identities and experiences have long been erased and underrepresented in social, educational, and political spheres across Canada. This dissertation addresses questions of activism, history, identity, community, and education through a five-part, article-based exploration of the construct of Pride and queer histories of activism and organizing. Using autoethnography, semi-structured interviewing, and narrative inquiry, I address the ongoing institutional erasure of gender and sexually diverse identities within schools and explore the capacity of informal community education spaces and histories to help address this deficiency and inform the development of a public queer pedagogy. I (cautiously) position Pride as educative, with attention to the urgent need to queer and repoliticize 2SLGBTQ+ spaces and organizations to disrupt discourses of homonormativity and homonationalism. I suggest that queer histories, queer organizing, and queer activism have immense potential to speak back to the erasure of gender and sexual diversity in formal education and contribute to an experiential and relational queer pedagogy rooted in radical queer futurity.vii, 324electronicen SCIENCES::Social sciences::EducationA queer agenda for possible futures: Education, activism, and identitydoctoral thesisBurkholder, CaseyEducation