McSporran, Eleanor2024-05-212024-05-212024-03 deregulated operation of power systems has demonstrated several advantages, among which is the load-side control as a means to implement smart grid functions. When residential loads are considered, the application of smart grid functions is dependent on the communication links, accurate load models, and customer participation. This thesis proposes the one-node method to use modified load profiles (determined at the point-of-supply) to generate the command active power for load-side controls. Test results show that smart gird functions can operate certain appliances to store thermal energy during off-peak-demand hours, this then reduced their power demands during the peak-demand hours. Moreover, the one-node method is tested to implement centralized smart grid functions through a battery system, which is charged and discharged based on the one-node method. This thesis presents and discusses the performance of both controls in terms of total losses and impacts on voltage during peak-demand hours.xi, 71electronicen one-node approach to implement smart grid functions for residential loadsmaster thesisSaleh, Saleh A.Diduch, Chris P.Electrical and Computer Engineering