Gwathmey, Matthew Owen2023-08-162023-08-162021-08 Fictional Autobiography of a Day’s Inane Thoughts is a novel that starts with the knowledge that the narrator tried to kill himself near the end of his last day of high school. The story works its way through that day up to the attempt and is broken into sessions between the narrator and his therapist, Hazel Calvino, interspersed with conversations between Hazel and her supervisor Kay Berman. The major characters that the narrator mentions in his retelling, fellow members of his high school senior class, are all based on characters who committed suicide in literary history. The end of The FADIT reveals that the narrator, whom Hazel refers to as “client one,” attempted to kill himself because he thinks his sacrifice will keep these other characters from doing the same.iv, 285electronicen Fictional Autobiography of a Day’s Inane Thoughtsdoctoral thesisJarman, MarkSchryer, StephenEnglish