Caron, N. S.Tokaryk, D. W.Adam, A. G.2023-03-022023-03-022019 present the results of laser-ablation molecular jet experiments on the high-lying C 2Π and 1 2∆ electronic states of MgH, obtained via laser-induced fluorescence with frequency-doubled pulsed laser beams and with a visible- visible double resonance technique. The C 2Π state is examined for the first time in nearly 50 years. The 1 2∆ state was last reported in 1937, when it was misassigned as the D 2Σ− state. These two states are fit with a modern standard Hamiltonian. Finally, measurements of the lifetime of the F2 J = 1.5 f level in the v = 0 A 2Π state are reported; lifetimes of levels of the C 2Π state were very short (less than the 10 ns lower limit available in our experiment). spectroscopy of the highly excited C 2 and 1 2 states of MgHjournal article