Kean, Karen2023-03-012023-03-012017Thesis 10022 are often inundated with educational initiatives, however due to a number of challenges the theory often does not trickle down into the classroom. A lack of leadership, organization, staff turnover, and the limited number of educators who participate in professional development result in many educational initiatives failing before they get off the ground. My project focused on creating a LiveBinder of resources to support teaching and learning in the schools - with the intent of helping shift theory into practice. The binder organizes and stores schoolboard endorsed educational documents online and they can be shared with colleagues, therefore creating a toolbox of practical resources. The project was carried out over a 16-week semester. The three goals of my project were to (1) conduct a review of literature regarding Response to Intervention and Professional Learning Communities, (2) create an online, organized LiveBinder with documents intended to improve teaching and learning, and reflecting on the information compiled in the LiveBinder I created a (3) comprehensive, Phase 1 Response to Intervention Implementation Plan for the 2017-2018 school year – turning theory into practice. This review of literature, LiveBinder and the Phase 1 Response to Intervention Plan will be shared with all the resource teachers and principals in my schoolboard. The results of the project created a stepping stone to start the gradual implementation of RTI, school-wide.text/xmliii, 43 pageselectronicen-CA innovations.Career development.Bridging the gap between theory and practice: getting startedmaster thesis2023-03-01Peterson, Patricia(OCoLC)1334605570Education