Millen, Geoffrey B.2023-06-072023-06-071991 report studies the e f f e c t s of increased truck t i re pressures on pavement l i f e . These high pressures are contributing to premature pavement f a i l u r e. I n the study the impact of these i n f l a t i o n pressures was examined using various combinations of load, t i r e type and pavement structure. A computer a n a l y s i s was performed using BISAR, an e l a s t i c l a y e r computer model. This analysis determined the t e n s i l e and compressive s t r a i n s for each loading scenario at various locations i n the pavement structure. Calculations were then performed to determine changes in the pavement l i f e.electronicen-CA effects of increased truck tire pressures on pavement lifesenior reportCivil Engineering