Wheel track rutting of asphalt concrete in New Brunswick

dc.contributor.advisorRobinson, John
dc.contributor.advisorL., Robinson John
dc.contributor.authorHovey, Mark
dc.description.abstractIn New Brunswick, the occurance of wheel track rutting in asphalt concrete is becoming increasingly c o m m o n . S o c o m m o n , t h a t t h e N e w B r u n s w i c k D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n h a s b e g u n t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e >••: t e n t o f rutting and possible causes.. This paper utilizes some of the data which has been collected bv N. B.DoT», to ^_ / • further investigate rutting due to plastic deformation of the asphalt layers. Twenty - four sites were selected across the p r o v i n c e w i t h v a. rin g a g e a n d r u. 11 i n g p erf o r man c e. T h e r u11 i nq per f or manc e of t he se si t es was r e 1 at ed t o s e v e r a 1 a s p h a 11 c «::• n c r e t e p a r a m e t e r s u s i n g a. r e g r e s s i o n analysis and threshold analysis. The parameters which were studied include; air voids, asphalt content, voids in the mineral aggregate, fractured faces and Marshall stabi1i ty. The regressi on a.na3. ysi s i ndi cated that the r at e of w h e e1 t r ac k r u 11 i ng did no t c or r elate well with any o f the parameters. The threshold analysis was used to identify a p a r a m e t e r va 1 u e wh i c h sep a ra t ed s i t e s w i t h acceptable and unacceptable rutting per formance. Conclusions are drawn regarding the effect of the se1ected aspha11 par amet ers, and some r ec ommendati ons a r e m a d e r e g a r d i n g f u r t h e r r e s e a r c h .
dc.description.copyrightNot available for use outside of the University of New Brunswick
dc.description.noteHovey, Mark (1989). Wheel track rutting of asphalt concrete in New Brunswick . (Engineering Senior Report no. T-1435 1989). Fredericton : University of New Brunswick, Dept. of Civil Engineering T-1435 1989 1882/13134
dc.publisherUniversity of New Brunswick
dc.subject.disciplineCivil Engineering
dc.titleWheel track rutting of asphalt concrete in New Brunswick
dc.typesenior report
thesis.degree.disciplineCivil Engineering
thesis.degree.fullnameBachelor of Science in Engineering
thesis.degree.grantorUniversity of New Brunswick

