Railway conversion trails for Prince Edward Island

dc.contributor.advisorIrcha, M.
dc.contributor.advisorC., Ircha
dc.contributor.authorBulger, David
dc.description.abstractSuccessful railway conversion t r a i l p r o j e c t s have been operating i n v a r i o u s p a r t s of t h e w o r l d f o r many years. The d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n of r a i l service i n Prince Edward I s l a n d i n 1988 has l e f t i t a prime candidate f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f r a i l w a y conversion t r a i l s . Given t h e l a r g e q u a n t i t y of r a i l w a y c o r r i d or p o t e n t i a l l y available f o r development, i t i s b e l i e v e d t h a t a phased development should be undertaken. These r a i l w ay conversion t r a i l s should be developed keeping i n mind the needs of both t o u r i s t s and r e s i d e n t s of P.E.I. Three phases have been proposed i n t h i s r e p o r t along w i t h the associated costs and p o t e n t i a l t r a i l surface treatments.
dc.description.copyrightNot available for use outside of the University of New Brunswick
dc.description.noteBulger, David (1992). Railway conversion trails for Prince Edward Island . (Engineering Senior Report no. T-1554 1992). Fredericton : University of New Brunswick, Dept. of Civil Engineering T-1554 1992 1882/12692
dc.publisherUniversity of New Brunswick
dc.subject.disciplineCivil Engineering
dc.titleRailway conversion trails for Prince Edward Island
dc.typesenior report
thesis.degree.disciplineCivil Engineering
thesis.degree.fullnameBachelor of Science in Engineering
thesis.degree.grantorUniversity of New Brunswick

