Microwave double resonance study of collision induced population transfer of rotational energy in OCS
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University of New Brunswick
The technique of microwave double resonance was applied to investigate collision induced transitions between rotational levels of OCS in the ground vibrational state, with the M sublevels separated by a Stark field. The (1+2)p-(2+3)s' (1+2)p-(3+4)s and (2+3)p-(1+2)s systems have been studied for pure OCS and its mixture with excess He. For four level systems having dipolar connections (AJ = 1; LlM = 0, ±1; parity ±++) be.tween pump and signal levels, it is found for OCS that the dipole-type• AJ = 1 transitions always dominate the collisional transfer, but for the OCS-He mixture that AJ = 2 quadrupole-type transitions are dominant. The fractional intensity changes AI/I for almost all the four level transitions were in good agreement with the theoretical results.