A comparative study of forest regeneration survey techniques

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University of New Brunswick


The report outlines the fundamental principles, purposes, constraints, and requirements of forest regeneration surveys. Four survey methods are described in order to illustrate the differences in techniques. The Appendix contains descriptions of 16 methods and variations in methods which are used by various Canadian companies and governments. Three quadrat distribution sampling methods were tested on a homogeneous forest area. No differences. in accuracy or precision were found between methods. However, for less homogeneous areas the three quadrat distributions may prove statistically different. An increase in sample size also led to no significant differences between the larger and the smaller sample sizes. Comparisons of the three regeneration survey methods showed that they differed from each other in one or more respects. Differences were observed in both time and ease of both fieldwork and computations. An assessment and analysis of regeneration survey research outlines the problems of regeneration surveys, and suggests some solutions. Finally the need for more research on regeneration surveys is recommended.



