Analysis of alternative roadway designs for the control of frost heaving

dc.contributor.advisorHildebrand, Eldo
dc.contributor.advisorE., Hildebrand
dc.contributor.authorRamier, Greg
dc.description.abstractDesign a l t e r n a t i v e s f o r t h e c o n t r o l of f r o s t heaving were studied. A one-dimensional f i n i t e element heat flow model was used to evaluate the e f f e c t i v e n e s s of each a l t e r n a t i v e . This a n a l y s i s was performed for t h r e e s i t es w i t h i n New Brunswick and the optimum depth of m a t e r i al required to c o n t r o l f r o s t heaving was determined for both polystyrene i n s u l a t i o n and non-frost-susceptible f i ll a l t e r n a t i v e s . The c o s t s of both of these m a t e r i a l s were compared for a l l t h r e e s i t e s and the most economical a l t e r n a t i v e was chosen.
dc.description.copyrightNot available for use outside of the University of New Brunswick
dc.description.noteRamier, Greg (1991). Analysis of alternative roadway designs for the control of frost heaving . (Engineering Senior Report no. T-1520 1991). Fredericton : University of New Brunswick, Dept. of Civil Engineering T-1520 1991 1882/15243
dc.publisherUniversity of New Brunswick
dc.subject.disciplineCivil Engineering
dc.titleAnalysis of alternative roadway designs for the control of frost heaving
dc.typesenior report Engineering of Science in Engineering of New Brunswick

