Historical maps of grand lake meadows

dc.contributor.authorMcGrath, Heather
dc.description.abstractGrand Lake Meadows is a historically and ecologically significant wetland in New Brunswick. This research studied Grand Lake Meadows through the analysis of historical maps held at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. The map analysis aimed to uncover previously unknown societal and geomorphological information about the area. Once the historical maps were identified, analyzed, and georeferenced, they were posted on the internet and made accessible through dynamic web-based map mashups using OpenLayers and Web Map Services. A series of supporting web pages were created to encourage site visitors to explore the Grand Lake Meadows historical maps through a series of puzzles and quizzes created with Hypertext Preprocessor, JavaScript, and Scalable Vector Graphics. The website aims to support existing initiatives which promote awareness and the significance of this area.
dc.description.copyrightAs with any copyrighted material, permission to reprint or quote extensively from this report must be received from the author.
dc.titleHistorical maps of grand lake meadows
dc.typesenior report

