An analysis of groundwater level records for selected groundwater monitoring sites in New Brunswick

dc.contributor.advisorBray, Dale
dc.contributor.advisorMacQuarrie, Kerry
dc.contributor.authorClinton, Christopher N.
dc.description.abstractAnalyses of the groundwater l e v e l records f o r selected New Brunswick Department of Environment monitoring wells were performed. Presentation of t h i s data helps to demonstrate the behaviour of the groundwater levels over t h e i r e n t i r e length of record, through t o an h o u r l y perspective. These data are provided i n various v i s u a l formats to demonstrate how the data may be assembled and used f o r groundwater resource management. The p r e s e n t a t i o n formats i n c l u d e y e a r l y , monthly, d a i l y and hourly. Using p r e c i p i t a t i o n , temperature and r i v e r discharge data, a method i s presented t o enhance the value of the groundwater l e v el data. The method presented evaluates the response of groundwater l e v e l s t o recharge from r a i n f a l l , snowmelt and e v a p o t r a n s p i r a t i o n. From r i v e r discharge data, base flow separations were done to compare the behaviour of groundwater levels to that of the groundwater flow system of the r i v e r basin. Also, base flow recession constants were obtained, f o r the major recharge events of each year of i n t e r e s t , and a method presented f o r a p p l i c a t i o n to the p r e d i c t i o n of groundwater l e v e l s where data has been l o s t or i s missing.
dc.description.copyrightNot available for use outside of the University of New Brunswick
dc.description.noteClinton, Christopher N (1992). An analysis of groundwater level records for selected groundwater monitoring sites in New Brunswick . (Engineering Senior Report no. T-1557 1992). Fredericton : University of New Brunswick, Dept. of Civil Engineering T-1557 1992 1882/15684
dc.format.extentviii, 96 pages
dc.publisherUniversity of New Brunswick
dc.subject.disciplineCivil Engineering
dc.titleAn analysis of groundwater level records for selected groundwater monitoring sites in New Brunswick
dc.typesenior report Engineering of Science in Engineering of New Brunswick

