Laser spectroscopy of dysprosium chloride
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University of New Brunswick
Laser spectroscopy is an invaluable tool when investigating the quantum structure of atoms and molecules. In particular the technique of laser induced fluorescence is of great aid when creating a map of the electronic, and the vibrational states of molecules. This technique along with selective detection is useful in studying complex spectra such as those of DyCl. Dysprosium has seven naturally occurring isotopes (of which four are nearly equally abundant) and chlorine has two.
The isotope spacing is such that in certain bands it is greater than the rotational spacing; thus complicating the spectra. The 0-0 bands of both the 8.5 →7 7.5, and 8.5→ 7 8.5 transitions are analyzed. Furthermore the 0-1 bands of the 8.5 →7 7 .5 and 8.5 →7 8.5 electronic transitions are investigated. Ultimately a linear regression analysis is utilized to create a global fit and find the relevant molecular constants of DyCl.