Site analysis and high tech business park design on the UNB Woodlot
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University of New Brunswick
The University of New Brunswick is involved i n a partnership w i t h the Greater
Fredericton Economic Development Corporation. This corporation is interested in
developing a portion of University l a n d i n t o a h i g h tech business park. This
provided a need for a site analysis and h i g h tech business p a r k design to be
F i r s t , a site analysis determined that the site was suitable for development. Then,
two typical h i g h tech business park design conceots were prepared based on
different site restrictions and occupant needs. These two designs are subject to
change based on the occupants and t h e i r specific research and technology needs. A
f i n a l layout and design can t h e n be decided. Next, preliminary design of services for
these two layouts were prepared. These services are water supply, sewage removal,
storm runoff removal, and u t i l i t i e s . F i n a l l y , a development cost estimate was
determined based on these typical design concepts.