A rural lifestyle in an urban environment : a study of suburban migration in the Saint John area

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University of New Brunswick


Since World War II, there has been a continous migration of city residents to unserviced rural and fringe developments- Municipalities have enacted policies either allowing or prohibiting unserviced development within the municipality. This study reviews pub1ished literature and «• tudies the cur r ent situa t i on i n the Sa i nt John ar es, which over the past twenty years, the population of the Census Metropolitan Area has been inceasing, while the population of the City of Saint .John has been deceasing. The changes in population, highway access and tax rates were investigated as factors contributing to the outward migration„ The purpose of the study is to provide background information for policy development on unserviced d e velopmen t. The main recommendation of the study is the continuation of present policy of not allowing unserviced deve1opment. On road unserviced development should be allowed only under certain restrictions which would not have any financial» physical or social costs detrimental to the city. Off road unserviced development should be limited in numbers and locations.



