The effect of social variables on the career aspirations of New Brunswick aboriginal adults
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University of New Brunswick
A recent survey of Aboriginal peoples in New Brunswick by the Joint Economic Development Initiative Inc. (JEDI) collected data regarding social factors that influence career aspiration. These social variables included: gender, marital status, education level, social welfare dependency, and mobility. These variables were analyzed for their significant differences with career aspiration, measured by O*Net Job Zones. A final data set of 202 survey respondents was used for data analysis. The results aligned with Gottfredson’s theory of compromise and circumscription as preparation showed a significant effect with career aspiration. Factors outside of that framework, including marital status, gender, social dependence, and mobility, were also analyzed. The findings showed that women participants had greater career aspirations than men, and that less mobile participants had higher career interests. Implications for Aboriginal career development theory, future research, and career counselling are discussed.