Modeling and aggregated control of residential electric thermal storage units
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University of New Brunswick
Electric thermal storage (ETS) plays an important role in the growth of thermal energy storage market. A large number of ETS devices can accomplish tasks of demand-side management (DSM) such as peak shaving to decrease the demand of electricity during peak hours. This thesis proposes four contributions to enable power system operators to issue an appropriate dispatch instruction to an ETS aggregator to accomplish DSM tasks over the control time horizon in the future.
Firstly, a method to determine the forecasted lower bound of brick
temperature of an ETS physical system (ETSPS) is derived when the zone temperature is regulated over a control time horizon. Secondly, a slope-based simplified model is derived to determine the forecasted brick
temperature and help determine the forecasted reserve capacity of an ETSPS during the aggregated control over a control time horizon in the
future. Thirdly, forecasted bounds of aggregated power shifted upward and downward from a forecasted baseline are formulated to allow system operators to select achievable dispatch instructions for tracking over a control time horizon in the future. Fourthly, the maximum time duration of tracking any achievable dispatch instruction in the future is forecasted with the application of the sloped-based simplified model. The system operators can issue an appropriate dispatch instruction at the current time for execution over a future control time horizon.
TECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::Electrical engineering