Where is all the talent? A study of the migratory patterns of post-secondary graduates in New Brunswick

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University of New Brunswick


The migration of human capital impacts several aspects of the demographic composition of the Canadian Provinces. Moreover, provinces such as New Brunswick are particularly impacted by the interprovincial migration of recent postsecondary graduates, because due to a high dependency ratio and out-migration rates, the retention of human capital is a core component for economic stability and growth. This paper explores the key demographic factors (i.e., age, sex, marital status) that has been shown to impact migration, along with the specific 'type' of human capital recent post-secondary graduates acquire ( e.g., field of study), in order to determine the foundational components of migration in New Brunswick. By using the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission's Graduate Survey on 2007 post-secondary graduates, logistic regression results indicate that recent graduates with degrees in the Arts and Engineering are most likely to leave after completing their degree. Conversely, graduates with degrees that match current labour market demand (i.e., Education and Health) tend to remain in the region. The out-migration of human capital in New Brunswick is highest among young, skilled graduates and is influenced by international and interprovincial migration and current regional labour market demands.


