Stand dynamics models of tropical eucalyptus hybrid clone plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia

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University of New Brunswick


Eucalyptus is one of the most widely cultivated species and provides raw materials for pulp and paper production in many tropical countries. Growth and yield is essential for forest management decision-making processes such as prediction of future forest yields and exploration of silvicultural options. However, limited publications related to growth and yield of this species exist in Indonesia compared to other regions. In this study, time-based and state-space modeling approaches were evaluated for estimating stand-level attributes of tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantation in Sumatera over normal rotation periods. Moment-based, percentile-based and hybrid methods for parameter recovery of Weibull distribution parameters for characterizing diameter distributions were also studied. The time-based approach was observed to provide simple and more accurate estimates of stand attributes across relatively short rotation ages. Moment-based parameter recovery methods also was found to give better performance. The combined system of models enables forest managers to evaluate total yield and its distribution across size classes.


