"Look at me": disability, representation, and the female body
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University of New Brunswick
This thesis explores the representations of women with physical disabilities in the
media, as analyzed by women with physical disabilities themselves, and then subverts
and challenges those representations through the women's construction of new
photographic imagery. The goal is to allow women with physical disabilities to
participate in the research process, work collaboratively with the researcher, and
challenge how women with physical disabilities are represented. The research is
grounded in feminist theory, critical disability studies, and arts-based inquiry; and uses
methods of focus group interviews and photographs. Participants found the media
representations to be complex, containing what they felt were both positive and negative
components. The strongest reactions came from sexualized representations of women
with disabilities. Discussions also centered on the lack of representations, the importance
of including people with disabilities in the design of media representations, and the
connection of disability with pain and pity. When it came to the construction of new
photographic images, the participants used the photographs as a way of visually
expressing their responses to the representations they saw during the focus group.
Keywords: disability studies, arts-based inquiry, feminism, visual media, popular culture