Feasibility study : pavement performance prediction curves for Prince Edward Island

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University of New Brunswick


Each year, Canada spends $7 B i l l i o n to maintain and r e h a b i l i t a t e the countries road network. However, the a l l o c a t i on of the available funds i s often done on a somewhat less-thans c i e n t i f i c basis. The development of the pavement management system provided an e f f e c t i v e way to a l l o c a t e funds and at the same time obtain the maximum benefits available. This report examines the f e a s i b i l i t y of producing pavement performance prediction curves based on the P.E.I. database c o l l e c t e d since 1979. These curves are produced by the performance c r i t e r i a : RCI, SAR and SDI. Without the valuable information provided by the pavement performance p r e d i c t i o n equations and curves, the future maintenance schedule and the corresponding budget would not be u t i l i z e d to i t s greatest potential.



