An Evaluation of PC-based Modula-2 Compilers
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The purpose of this study was to recommend a Modula-2 compiler to be used by students taking our introductory programming courses, CS1013 and CS1035 which are "Introduction to Computer Science" courses, and also for subsequent courses in data structures, etc. Computing support for these courses will be provided by diskless IBM PCs ("classics") each with 640 k of RAM and connected to a file server running the JANET network system. The network hardware is a 2 mbyte/sec network. Some students will have their own PCs and will want to use them. In this environment students spend most of their time editing, compiling and diagnosing small (10-1000 line) programs. As soon as they get the programs working they throw them away. Fast compilation, good error diagnostics and robustness, and convenient editing were the prime factors considered in this evaluation.