Research Reports
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Reports are separately-published records of research findings, research still in progress, policy developments and events, or other technical findings, usually bearing a report number and sometimes a grant number assigned by the funding agency. Also, an official record of the activities of a committee or corporate entity, the proceedings of a government body, or an investigation by an agency, whether published or private, usually archived or submitted to a higher authority, voluntarily or under mandate. (URI:
Item types include:
- clinical study
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- research protocol
- research report
- technical report
Recent Submissions
Item Summary Report: Academic, health and healthcare utilization outcomes in New Brunswick grade school students prescribed longacting stimulants for the management of ADHD: An administrative data study(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2024-04) Folkins, Chris; McDonald, Ted; Somayaji, Chandy; Gill, Somerpal K.Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that interferes with individual functioning or development and is often characterized by an ongoing pattern of three particular symptoms: inactivity, hyperactivity and impulsivity. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder among children and youth. Research shows that school-aged children and youth are being diagnosed with ADHD with increasing frequency, and with this rise in diagnoses comes an increase in prescription medications used to treat the symptoms of this disorder. To help alleviate symptoms, many families turn to long-acting stimulants as a prescribed treatment method. Unlike short-acting stimulants, which typically start working within 30-45 minutes and wear off in 3-6 hours, long-acting stimulants are designed to work in phases, through an extended release into the bloodstream throughout the day. Long-acting stimulants have been the topic of extensive research, and studies show they improve core symptoms of ADHD – such as inattention and hyperactivity – making them the gold standard for medical treatment of ADHD. However, their ability to improve functional outcomes associated with ADHD – such as reduced academic achievement or increased risk of injury – is less well understood. Children and youth with ADHD face challenges that could inhibit their ability to excel academically or make them more likely to be hospitalized. To help measure the impacts of ADHD and of treatment with long-acting stimulants, this study uses linked administrative data records to examine academic, health and healthcare utilization outcomes in New Brunswick grade school students (Kindergarten through Grade 12) with ADHD. It compares outcomes between students with ADHD who are being treated with long-acting stimulants, students with ADHD who are not being treated and students without ADHD.Item Graduate retention in New Brunswick: 2021 graduate cohort update(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2024-06) McDonald, Ted; Miah, Pablo; Beykzadeh, Ali; Gorman-Asal, MadeleineThis report is the third in a series of annual updates on post-secondary graduates’ retention in New Brunswick (NB) by the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT). These reports provide an overview of the retention patterns of graduates from post-secondary institutions in NB since the previous reporting period, and their updates on graduates’ retention trends can help guide public policy discussions around education and training strategies to attract younger individuals to study, work and live in NB. The current study, which includes data on the 2021 graduate cohort, provides an update to the graduate retention results released by NB-IRDT in 2023 (Balzer et al., 2023), which included data on individuals who graduated in 2019 and 2020. The methodology followed by Balzer et al. (2023) was replicated for this cohort update.Item Consultation on Copyright in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence(Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada, 2024-01) Dickison, Joshua; Panezi, ArgyriItem La lecture dans un contexte d’acquisition du français langue seconde en immersion au primaire(Association canadienne des professionnels de l'immersion, 2023) LeBouthillier, JoséeItem Les séances franco : Améliorer les compétences linguistiques et la confiance des futurs enseignants(Association canadienne des professionnels de l'immersion, 2022) LeBouthillier, Josée; Michaud, LisaItem Identifying requirements and gaps in French as a second language (FSL) Teacher Education: Recommendations and guidelines(Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT), 2023) Arnott, Stephanie; Smith, Cameron W; Battistuzzi, Amanda; Culligan, Karla; Dicks, Joseph; Kristmanson, Paula; Masson, Mimi; Spiliotopoulos, Valia; Wernicke, MeikeItem Students’ oral communication in the high school French immersion mathematics classroom(Association canadienne des professionnels de l'immersion, 2021) Culligan, KaylaItem Differentiated Instructional Practices for High School French as an Additional Language Classes(Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, 2024) Garrett, Melissa Dockrill; Le Bouthillier, JoséeItem The Role of School Administration in Promoting a Strength-Based School Culture(Association canadienne des professionnels de l'immersion, 2022) Garrett, Melissa DockrillItem Promoting Oral Language Production: Pretend Play in Bilingual and Multilingual Classrooms(Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, 2022) Garrett, MelissaItem Profils de sensibilité aux changements climatiques pour les collectivités couverts par le Conseil de la santé du Nouveau-Brunswick : Neguac, 28 février 2022(l’Institut de recherche, de données et de formation du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Climate change sensitivity profiles for New Brunswick Health Council Communities: Neguac: February 28, 2022(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Profils de sensibilité aux changements climatiques pour les collectivités couverts par le Conseil de la santé du Nouveau-Brunswick : Miramichi, 28 février 2022(l’Institut de recherche, de données et de formation du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Climate change sensitivity profiles for New Brunswick Health Council Communities: Miramichi: February 28, 2022(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Profils de sensibilité aux changements climatiques pour les collectivités couverts par le Conseil de la santé du Nouveau-Brunswick : Tracadie-Sheila, 28 février 2022(l’Institut de recherche, de données et de formation du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Climate change sensitivity profiles for New Brunswick Health Council Communities: Tracadie-Sheila: February 28, 2022(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Profils de sensibilité aux changements climatiques pour les collectivités couverts par le Conseil de la santé du Nouveau-Brunswick : Shippagan, 28 février 2022(l’Institut de recherche, de données et de formation du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Climate change sensitivity profiles for New Brunswick Health Council Communities: Shippagan: February 28, 2022(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Profils de sensibilité aux changements climatiques pour les collectivités couverts par le Conseil de la santé du Nouveau-Brunswick : Caraquet, 28 février 2022(l’Institut de recherche, de données et de formation du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, TraceyItem Climate change sensitivity profiles for New Brunswick Health Council Communities: Caraquet: February 28, 2022(New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, 2022-02-28) Magalhaes, Sandra; Rogers, Kyle; Wade, Tracey