Journal Articles

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Articles. Typically the realization of research papers reporting original research findings published in a journal issue. (URI: Item types include:

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 174
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    Isolation of an antimicrobial racemic phenalenone derivative from a marine-derived Penicillium sp. fungus
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2023-10-30) Morehouse, Nicholas J.; Graham, Kelsie M.; Cox, Samantha L.; Johnson, John A.; Gray, Christopher A.
    A new phenalenone derivative, 2,4,6,9-tetrahydroxy-7-methyl-2-prenyl-1H-phenalene 1,3(2H)-dione (1), was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of a marine derived Penicillium sp. fungus that exhibited a unique antimicrobial activity profile. The planar structure of 1 was determined through a combination of 1D and 2D NMR experiments, and circular dichroism and polarimetry indicated that it was isolated as a racemic mixture of enantiomers. The antimicrobial activity of 1 was assessed against a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungal strains and it was found to selectively inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Keywords: Phenalenone, Penicillium, Natural product, Antimicrobial
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    Caryophyllene sesquiterpenes from a Chaetomium globosum endophyte of the Canadian Medicinal plant Empetrum nigrum
    (American Chemical Society, 2023-06-02) Morehouse, Nicholas J.; Clark, Trevor N.; Kerr, Russell G.; Johnson, John A.; Gray, Christopher A.
    Punctaporonins T (1) and U (2), new caryophyllene sesquiterpenes, were isolated with three known punctaporonins, A (3), B (4), and C (5), from the endophytic fungus Chaetomium globosum (TC2-041). The structures and relative configurations of punctaporonins T and U were elucidated based on a combination of HRESIMS, 1D/2D NMR spectroscopic analysis, and X-ray diffraction analysis whilst their absolute configuration is presumed to be consistent with the co-isolated 3–5 on biogenetic arguments. Compound 1 showed weak inhibitory activity against both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus.
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    Tolypocaibols: Antibacterial lipopeptaibols from a Tolypocladium sp. endophyte of the marine macroalga Spongomorpha arcta
    (American Chemical Society, 2023-06-14) Morehouse, Nicholas J.; Flewelling, Andrew J.; Liu, Dennis Y.; Cavanagh, Hannah; Linington, Roger G.; Johnson, John A.; Gray, Christopher A.
    Two new lipopeptaibols, tolypocaibols A (1) and B (2), and the mixed NRPS-polyketide shikimate natural product maximiscin [(P/M)-3)] were isolated from a Tolypocladium sp. fungal endophyte of the marine alga Spongomorpha arcta. Analysis of NMR and mass spectrometry data revealed the amino acid sequences of the lipopeptaibols, which both comprise 11 residues with a valinol C-terminus and a decanoyl acyl chain at the N-terminus. The configuration of the amino acids was determined by Marfey’s analysis. Tolypocaibols A (1) and B (2) showed moderate, selective inhibition against Gram-positive and acid-fast strains, while maximiscin [(P/M)-3)] showed moderate, broad-spectrum inhibition.
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    La rétention d’enseignantes et d’enseignants de français langue seconde au Canada : au-delà d’une stratégie de recrutement
    (Association canadienne d’éducation de langue française, 2023-02-23) Wernicke, Meike; Masson, Mimi; Arnott, Stéphanie; Le Bouthillier, Josée; Kristmanson, Paula
    Résumé Dans le domaine de l’enseignement du français langue seconde au Canada, nous faisons face à une pénurie de longue date. Parmi d’autres études examinant le recrutement et la rétention du personnel enseignant, nous avons mené une étude pancanadienne afin de déterminer les exigences et les lacunes dans la formation initiale et continue en enseignement du français. Dans cet article, nous examinerons dans quelle mesure les composantes de cette formation favorisent ou entravent la rétention du personnel enseignant. Un aperçu des résultats met en relief une forte préoccupation de la part de toutes les personnes participantes par rapport à la rétention du personnel en enseignement du français, avec une attention particulière envers le mentorat. Ces constats divergent de la politique fédérale qui se limite strictement au recrutement, alors qu’un accent sur le mentorat, surtout sous forme de soutiens non officieux , est nécessaire dès le début de la formation initiale, ainsi que pendant la transition vers le milieu du travail et à travers celui-ci. Nous discuterons des enjeux qui découlent de ces résultats quant aux efforts en cours pour répondre à la pénurie d’enseignantes et d’enseignants en français. Abstract Canada is facing a long-standing shortage of FSL teachers. Among other studies on teacher recruitment and retention, we conducted a cross-Canada study to identify needs and gaps in initial and continuing education for FSL teaching. In this article, we will examine the extent to which components of this training program promote or hinder teaching staff retention. An overview of the results reveals participants genuine concern about retaining FSL teaching staff, with particular attention to mentorship, these findings diverging from federal policy, which is strictly limited to recruitment. A focus on mentorship, especially in the form of informal support, is necessary from the beginning of initial training as well as during the transition to and through the workplace. We will discuss issues arising from these results in relation to ongoing efforts to address the shortage of FSL teachers. Resumen En el campo de la enseñanza del francés lengua segunda en Canadá, desde hace mucho tiempo confrontamos una escasez. Entre otros estudios que han examinado la contratación y la retención del personal magisterial, hemos realizado un estudio pan-canadiense con el fin de determinar las exigencias y deficiencias de la formación inicial y continua en enseñanza del francés. En este artículo examinaremos en qué medida los componentes de esta formación favorecen o dificultan la retención del personal magisterial. Una visión general de los resultados pone de relieve una acentuada preocupación por parte de todas las personas que participan con respecto a la retención del personal en la enseñanza del francés, otorgando una atención especial a la tutoría. Dichos resultados difieren de la política federal la cual se limita estrictamente al reclutamiento, mientras que acentuar la tutoría como forma de apoyo extra-oficial , se vuelve indispensable desde el principio de la formación inicial, así que durante la transición hacia el trabajo y a todo lo largo de éste. Discutiremos los retos que dimanan de los resultados en lo relacionado a los esfuerzos que actualmente se realizan s para subsanar la escasez de maestros y maestras de francés.
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    Systemic Barriers to French Immersion: The Impact of COVID-19
    (University of New Brunswick, 2022-10-14) Gerbrandt, Julianne
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    Le rôle du jeu symbolique dans la motivation intrinsèque à s’exprimer à l’oral dans une langue seconde au primaire
    (Association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde, 2022-12-15) Le Bouthillier, Josée; Bourgoin, Renée; Garrett, Melissa
    Résumé Cette étude adoptant un devis de recherche orienté par la conception (design-based research) examine les possibilités offertes par le jeu symbolique avancé auprès de jeunes élèves débutant dans le programme d’immersion française (5 et 6 ans) pour l’acquisition de la langue seconde. Des élèves de la première année (n = 36) de deux classes intactes et leurs enseignantes ont participé à cette recherche. Ils ont été observés en classe et filmés pendant des périodes de jeu symbolique autonomes. De l’analyse des transcriptions, des notes de recherche, des entrevues avec les enseignantes et des artéfacts pédagogiques, les sentiments de compétence, d’autonomie et d’appartenance des élèves sont ressortis lors des périodes de jeux symboliques. Mots-clés: jeu symbolique avancé; motivation; autodétermination; interaction orale en langue seconde; jeunes élèves du primaire; immersion française Abstract Adopting a design-based research design, this study examines the potential of advanced symbolic play with young students entering the French immersion program (ages 5 and 6) for second language acquisition. First grade students (n = 36) from two intact classes and their teachers participated in this research. They were observed in class and videotaped during periods of independent symbolic play. From the analysis of transcripts, research notes, teacher interviews, and instructional artifacts, students' feelings of competence, autonomy, and belonging emerged during the symbolic play periods. Keywords: advanced symbolic play; motivation; self-determination; second language oral interaction; young elementary students; French immersion
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    Communication orale et évaluation formative pour l’apprentissage dans les centres de littératie en immersion française
    (University of Ottawa, 2022-12-22) LeBouthillier, Josée; Bourgoin, Renée
    Dans cette étude, de devis de recherche-développement, nous avonsexaminé la dimension formative de l’évaluation lors de la participationd’élèves de l’élémentaire à des tâches orales dans des centres de littératieen immersion française (IF). Le programme d’IFvisant l’acquisitionde la langue seconde, fournir aux élèves des occasions de produirede façon étendue est important. Nous avons observé la façon dont lesenseignantes recueillaient des traces d’apprentissage auprès de leursélèves, alors que ceux-ci travaillaient de façon autonome à des tâchesorales. Les données ont été recueillies auprès des enseignantes (n = 5)d’IFet de leurs élèves. Ces données consistaient d’observations en classe,d’enregistrements vidéo, de preuves d’apprentissage et d’entrevues avecles enseignantes (n = 15). Les données ont révélé l’importance d’étab-lir des résultats d’apprentissage précis, de recueillir des preuvesd’apprentissage tangibles et de se servir de ces évidences d’apprentissagepour maximiser les apprentissages de l’oral dans les centres de littératie.Mots-clés : immersion française, communication orale, évaluation forma-tive, langue seconde, centres de littératie Using a Design-Based Research methodology, we examined the roleand the use of assessment practices during the implementation of orallanguage tasks in literacy centers with elementary French immersionstudents. Since these French Immersion programs are designed to supportsecond language acquisition, providing students with opportunitiesto produce extended output is important. We studied the ways bywhich teachers collected evidence of learning when students workedindependently on oral language tasks during literacy centers. Five (n = 5) immersion teachers participated in the study, along with their students.Data collected included classroom observations, video recordings ofstudents working on oral communication tasks, learning artifacts andteacher interviews (n = 15). Findings suggest that specific dimensions offormative assessments including the pedagogical applications of specificlearning outcomes, the collection of tangible evidence of learning, and thesubsequent reinvestment of students’ learning yielded important benefitsis supporting oral language acquisition in literacy centers for Frenchimmersion students.Key words: French immersion, oral communication, formative assess-ment, second language, literacy centers
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    A Course or a Pathway? Addressing French as a Second Language Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Canadian BEd Programs
    (Canadian Society for the Study of Education, 2023-06-27) Smith, Cameron W.; Masson, Mimi; Spiliotopoulos, Valia; Kristmanson, Paula
    Institutions strive to offer programs that address both the needs of the educational system and incorporate current pedagogical research. Creating a program that is relevant, inspiring, and accessible to aspiring French as a Second Language (FSL) teachers, while also equipping them with the skills and knowledge deemed necessary by the education system, is a delicate balancing act. This study reviewed 44 FSL teacher education programs that lead to professional certification across Canada. Environmental scans drew information from the program websites related to admission requirements, program structure and content, practicum, and graduation criteria. Follow-up interviews with program stakeholders were conducted to verify or clarify the data. The results highlight the inconsistencies that exist among programs for developing FSL educators. We position the ways in which Canadian faculties of education might provide a more holistic “pathway” approach to recruiting, preparing, and retaining emerging FSL teachers.
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    Discovery of an isothiazolinone-containing antitubercular natural product Levesquamide
    (American Chemical Society, 2020-05-04) Liang, Libang; Haltli, Bradley; Marchbank, Douglas H.; Fischer, Maike; Kirby, Christopher W.; Correa, Hebelin; Clark, Trevor N.; Gray, Christopher A.; Kerr, Russell G.
    Antitubercular agent levesquamide is a new polyketide-nonribosomal peptide (PK-NRP) hybrid marine natural product isolated from Streptomyces sp. RKND-216. The structure contains a rare isothiazolinone moiety which has only been reported in collismycin SN. Structure elucidation by NMR spectroscopy was a significant challenge due to a deficiency of protons in this aromatic moiety. Therefore, the genome of Streptomyces sp. RKND-216 was sequenced to identify the levesquamide biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC). Analysis of the BGC provided structural insights and guided stable-isotope labeling experiments, which led to the assignment of the fused pyridine-isothiazolinone moiety. The BGC and the labeling experiments provide further insights into the biosynthetic origin of isothiazolinones. Levesquamide exhibited antimicrobial activity in the microplate alamarBlue assay (MABA) and low oxygen recovery assay (LORA) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 9.65 and 22.28 µM, respectively. Similar activity was exhibited against rifampicin- and isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis strains with MIC values of 9.46 and 9.90 µM, respectively. This result suggests levesquamide has a different mode of action against M. tuberculosiscompared to the two first-line antitubercular drugs rifampicin and isoniazid. Furthermore, levesquamide shows no cytotoxicity against the Vero cell line, suggesting it may have a useful therapeutic window.
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    Systemic Barriers to French Immersion in New Brunswick
    (2022-06-28) Gerbrandt, Julianne
    Abstract: French Immersion is a popular program in New Brunswick; however, a growing body of research warns that it might contribute to inequities in public education. My experiences as an elementary French immersion teacher have prompted me to question the barriers to accessing and succeeding in the second language program. I begin by describing the history of FI in Canadian schools before identifying the systemic barriers that limit participation in the program. I will then explain how Bourdieu and Passeron’s theory of social reproduction might help us to recognize the underlying social forces that predetermine one’s likelihood of access and success in the popular program. Meaningful change requires a paradigm shift in thinking about what constitutes a good candidate for FI. Keywords: French Immersion, Bourdieu, Equity
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    Antimycobacterial 1,4-napthoquinone natural products from Moneses uniflora
    (Elsevier, 2018-10) Li, Haoxin; Bos, Allyson; Jean, Stéphanie; Webster, Duncan; Robichaud, Gilles A.; Johnson, John A.; Gray, Christopher A.
    A new 1,4-naphthoquinone derivative, 5,8-dihydro-3-hydroxychimaphilin (4) and five known compounds (1, 2 and 5–7) were isolated from an extract of the Canadian medicinal plant Moneses uniflora that significantly inhibited the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra. The structure of 4 was established through analysis of NMR and MS data and the absolute configuration of the glycone of 5 was determined by chemical transformation and comparison with standards prepared from D- and L-glucose. All compounds isolated were screened against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Ra) and the mammalian HEK 293 cell line and, with the exception of compounds 5 and 7, exhibited marked selectivity in their bioactivity: Compound 1 exhibited potent antimycobacterial activity (IC50 of 5.4 μM) and moderate cytotoxicity (IC50 of 30 μM); compounds 2, 4 and 6 showed moderate antimycobacterial activity (IC50 values from 28 – 47 μM) without affecting the viability of mammalian cells; compound 5 displayed moderate activity in both assays (IC50 values of 44 and 55 μM respectively); and compound 7 was not active in either assay. These data suggest that the Moneses napthaquinone derivatives elicit biological responses in mycobacterial and mammalian cells through disparate modes of action that warrant further investigation
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    New Brunswick’s mental health action plan: A quantitative exploration of program efficacy in children and youth using the Canadian Community Health Survey
    (Public Library of Science, 2024-06-07) Yang, Yuzhi (Stanford); Law, Moira; Vaghri, Ziba
    In 2011, the New Brunswick government released the New Brunswick Mental Health Action Plan 2011–2018 (Action Plan). Following the release of the Action Plan in 2011, two progress reports were released in 2013 and 2015, highlighting the implementation status of the Action Plan. While vague in their language, these reports indicated considerable progress in implementing the Action Plan, as various initiatives were undertaken to raise awareness and provide additional resources to facilitate early prevention and intervention in children and youth. However, whether these initiatives have yielded measurable improvements in population-level mental health outcomes in children and youth remains unclear. The current study explored the impact of the Action Plan by visualizing the trend in psychosocial outcomes and service utilization of vulnerable populations in New Brunswick before and after the implementation of the Action Plan using multiple datasets from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Survey-weighted ordinary least square regression analyses were performed to investigate measurable improvements in available mental health outcomes. The result revealed a declining trend in the mental wellness of vulnerable youth despite them consistently reporting higher frequencies of mental health service use. This study highlights the need for a concerted effort in providing effective mental health services to New Brunswick youth and, more broadly, Canadian youth, as well as ensuring rigorous routine outcome monitoring and evaluation plans are consistently implemented for future mental health strategies at the time of their initiation.
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    A descriptive study found low prevalence of presumed predatory publications in a subset of Cochrane reviews
    (Elsevier, 2022-12) Boulos, Leah; Rothfus, Melissa; Goudreau, Alex; Manley, Alison
    Objective: To examine the prevalence of presumed predatory publications in Cochrane reviews, which are considered the gold standard. Study Design and Setting: We selected two Cochrane Networks with broad scope: the Musculoskeletal, Oral, Skin and Sensory (MOSS) Network and the Public Health and Health Systems Network. From reviews produced by all Review Groups in those Networks in 2018 and 2019, we extracted included study citations published after 2000. For each citation, we assessed the journal and publisher using an algorithmic process based on characteristics known to be common among predatory publishers. Knowing that predatory status can be fluid and subjective, we scored citations on a spectrum from "reputable" to "presumed predatory" based on publication characteristics available at the time of assessment. Results: We extracted 6965 citations from 321 reviews. Of these citations, 5734 were published by entities widely accepted as reputable, leaving 1591 for further assessment. We flagged 75 citations as concerning. Discussion: Cochrane reviews across diverse topic areas included studies from flagged publishers, although this number is small. Because of this, there is potential for studies from predatory journals to influence the conclusions of systematic reviews. Researchers should stay aware of this potential threat to the quality of reviews.
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    How do authentic, empowering leaders influence new graduate nurses’ burnout development, job satisfaction, and quality of care? Examining the role of short-staffing and work-life interference
    (Wiley, 2017) Boamah, Sheila A.; Read, Emily A.; Laschinger, Heather K. Spence
    Aim: To test a hypothesized model linking new graduate nurses’ perceptions of their manager’s authentic leadership behaviours to structural empowerment, short-staffing, and work-life interference, and subsequent burnout, job satisfaction, and patient care quality. Background: Authentic leadership and structural empowerment have been shown to reduce early career burnout among nurses. Short-staffing and work-life interference are also linked to burnout and may help explain the impact of positive, empowering leadership on burnout, which in turn influences job satisfaction and patient care quality. Design: A time-lagged study of Canadian new graduate nurses was conducted. Methods: At Time 1, surveys were sent to 3,743 nurses (November 2012 to March 2013) and 1,020 were returned (27.3% response rate). At Time 2 (May to July 2014), 406 nurses who responded at Time 1 completed surveys (39.8% response rate). Descriptive analysis was conducted in SPSS. Structural equation modeling in Mplus was used to test the hypothesized model. Results: The hypothesized model was supported. Authentic leadership had a significant positive effect on structural empowerment, which in turn, decreased both short-staffing and work-life interference. Short-staffing and work-life imbalance subsequently resulted in nurse burnout, lower job satisfaction, and lower patient care quality one year later. Conclusion: The findings suggest that short-staffing and work-life interference are important factors influencing new graduate nurse burnout. Developing nurse managers’ authentic leadership behaviours and working with them to create and sustain empowering work environments may help reduce burnout, increase nurse job satisfaction and improve patient care quality.
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    The effects of authentic leadership and occupational coping self-efficacy on new graduate nurses’ burnout and mental health: A cross-sectional study
    (Elsevier, 2015) Laschinger, Heather K. Spence; Borgogni, Laura; Consiglio, Chiara; Read, Emily
    Background – New nurse burnout has personal and organizational costs. The combined effect of authentic leadership, person-job fit within areas of worklife, and occupational coping self-efficacy on new nurses’ burnout and emotional wellbeing has not been investigated. Objectives - This study tested a model linking authentic leadership, areas of worklife, occupational coping self-efficacy, burnout, and mental health among new graduate nurses. We also tested the validity of the concept of interpersonal strain at work as a facet of burnout. Design – A cross-sectional national survey of Canadian new graduate nurses was conducted. Participants – Registered nurses working in direct patient care in acute care settings with less than 3 years of experience were selected from provincial registry databases of 10 Canadian provinces. A total of 1009 of 3743 surveyed new graduate nurses were included in the final sample (useable response rate 27%). Methods - Participants received a mail survey package that included a letter of information, study questionnaire, and a $2 coffee voucher. To optimize response rates non-responders received a reminder letter four weeks after the initial mailing, followed by a second survey package four weeks after that. Ethics approval was obtained from the university ethics board prior to starting the study. Descriptive statistics and scale reliabilities were analyzed. Structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation was used to test the fit between the data and the hypothesized model and to assess the factor structure of the expanded burnout measure. Results - The hypothesized model was an acceptable fit for the data (χ2 (164) = 1221.38; χ2 ratio =7.447; CFI =.921; IFI =.921; RMSEA =.08). All hypothesized paths were significant. Authentic leadership had a positive effect on areas of worklife, which in turn had a positive effect on occupational coping self-efficacy, resulting in lower burnout, which was associated with poor mental health. Conclusions - Authentic leaders may play an important role in creating positive working conditions and strengthening new nurses’ confidence that help them cope with job demands, thereby protecting them from developing burnout and poor mental health. Leadership training to develop supervisors’ authentic leadership skills may promote the development of person-job fit, thereby increasing occupational self-efficacy and new nurses’ wellbeing. Keywords: authentic leadership, areas of worklife, new graduate nurses, occupational coping self-efficacy, burnout, mental health
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    The influence of authentic leadership and empowerment on nurses’ relational social capital, mental health, and job satisfaction over the first year of practice
    (Wiley, 2015) Read, Emily A.; Laschinger, Heather K.S.
    Aims: To examine a theoretical model testing the effects of authentic leadership, structural empowerment, and relational social capital on the mental health and job satisfaction of new graduate nurses over the first year of practice. Background: Relational social capital is an important interpersonal organizational resource that may foster new graduate nurses’ workplace wellbeing and promote retention. Evidence shows that authentic leadership and structural empowerment are key aspects of the work environment that support new graduate nurses, however the mediating role of relational social capital has yet to be explored. Design: A longitudinal survey design was used to test the hypothesized model. Methods: One hundred ninety-one new graduate nurses in Ontario with <2 years of experience completed mail surveys in Jan-March 2010 and 1 year later in 2011. Path analysis using structural equation modeling was used to test the theoretical model. Results: Participants were mostly female, working full-time in medicine/surgery or critical care. All measures demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity. Path analysis results supported our hypothesized model; structural empowerment mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and nurses’ relational social capital, which in turn had a negative effect on mental health symptoms and a positive effect on job satisfaction. All indirect paths in the model were significant. Conclusion: By creating structurally empowering work environments, authentic leaders foster relational social capital among new graduate nurses leading to positive health and retention outcomes
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    Workplace social capital in nursing: an evolutionary concept analysis
    (Wiley, 2014) Read, Emily A.
    Aim: To report an analysis of the concept of nurses’ workplace social capital. Background: Workplace social capital is an emerging concept in nursing with potential to illuminate the value of social relationships at work. A common definition is needed. Design: Concept analysis Data sources: The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, PsychINFO, and ProQuest Nursing. Review methods: Databases were systematically searched using the keywords: workplace social capital, employee social capital, work environment, social capital, and nursing published between January 1937 and November 2012 in English that described or studied social capital of nurses at work were included. A total of 668 resources were found. After removing 241 duplicates, literature was screened in two phases: 1) titles and abstracts were reviewed (n = 427), and 2) remaining data sources were retrieved and read (n = 70). Eight sources were included in the final analysis. Results: Attributes of nurses’ workplace social capital included networks of social relationships at work, shared assets, and shared ways of knowing and being. Antecedents were communication, trust, and positive leadership practices. Nurses’ workplace social capital was associated with positive consequences for nurses, their patients, and healthcare organizations. Conclusion: Nurses’ workplace social capital is defined as nurses’ shared assets and ways of being and knowing that are evident in and available through nurses’ networks of social relationships at work. Future studies should examine and test relationships between antecedents and consequences of nurses’ workplace social capital in order to better understand this important aspect of healthy professional practice environments.
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    Feasibility of the Diabetes and Technology for Increased Activity (DaTA) Study: A Pilot Intervention in High-Risk Rural Adults
    (Human Kinetics Journals, 2014) Read, Emily
    Background: Rural Canadians are at increased risk of metabolic syndrome. Physical inactivity is a primary target for preventing and reversing metabolic syndrome. Adherence to lifestyle interventions may be enhanced using cell phones and self-monitoring technologies. This study investigated the feasibility of a physical activity and self-monitoring intervention targeting high-risk adults in rural Ontario. Methods: Rural adults (n = 25, M=57.0 ± 8.7 years) with ≥2 criteria for metabolic syndrome participated in an 8-week stage-matched physical activity and self-monitoring intervention. Participants monitored blood glucose, blood pressure, weight, and physical activity using self-monitoring devices and BlackberryTM Smart phones. VO2max, stage of change, waist circumference, weight, blood lipids, and HbA1c were measured at weeks 1, 4, and 8. Results: Adherence to self-monitoring was >94%. Participants’ experiences and perceptions of the technology were positive. Mean stage of change increased 1 stage, physical activity increased 26%, and predicted VO2max increased 17% (p<0.05). Significant changes in weight, waist circumference, diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol were found. Conclusions: This stage-matched technology intervention for increased physical activity was feasible and effective. Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, physical activity, cardiovascular health, technology, ruralhealth
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    Transition experiences of new graduate nurses from accelerated and traditional nursing programs
    (Elsevier, 2017) Read, Emily; Laschinger, Heather K.S.
    Background: With increasing numbers of new graduate nurses from accelerated nursing programs entering the workforce, it is important to understand their transition experiences, as they may differ from those of traditional graduates. Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe and compare the intrapersonal resources, transition experiences, and retention outcomes of these two groups. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional comparison study was conducted. Participants: A random sample of 3655 registered nurses with < 3 years of nursing experience were invited to participate from across Canada; 1020 responded (27.9%). The final sample included 230 nurses from accelerated programs and 768 from four-year programs (total n = 998). Methods: Following ethics approval, participants were mailed a questionnaire to their home address. One month later non-responders were sent a reminder letter, followed by a second questionnaire one month later (January to March, 2013). Descriptive statistics were conducted using SPSS. Group differences were assessed using independent samples t-tests for continuous variables and χ2 tests for categorical variables. Results: Overall, there were few significant differences between new graduate nurses from accelerated and traditional programs. Nurses in both groups had high levels of intrapersonal resources, positive transition experiences, were satisfied with their jobs and their choice of nursing as a career, and their intentions to leave were low. Conclusions: All new graduate nurses need to have a strong educational preparation and transition support, regardless of their age and previous work and career experiences.
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    New nurses’ perceptions of professional practice behaviours, quality of care, job satisfaction and career retention
    (Wiley, 2016) Laschinger, Heather K. Spence; Zhu, Junhong; Read, Emily
    Aim: To test a model examining the effects of structural empowerment and support for professional practice on new graduate nurses’ perceived professional practice behaviours, perceptions of care quality, and subsequent job satisfaction and career turnover intention. Background: The Nursing Worklife Model describes the relationship between environmental factors that support nursing practice and nurse and patient outcomes. The influence of support for professional practice on new nurses’ perceptions of professional nursing behaviours within this model has yet to be tested. Method: Structural equation modeling in Amos software was used to analyze data from a national survey of new graduate nurses across Canada (n = 393). Findings: The model fit the data reasonably well: χ² (124) = 360.054, χ/df=2.904, CFI=. 913, IFI=. 914, RMSEA=.070. The results supported our hypothesized model. The professional practice behaviours, as an individual contributor, mediated the relationship between organizational empowerment, support for professional practice and quality of care, which in turn negatively associated with career turnover intention among new nurses. All paths in the model were significant. Conclusion: The results suggest that job satisfaction and career retention of new nurses are related to their perceptions of work environment factors that support their professional practice behaviours and high quality care. Implications for nursing managers: To diminish nurse job dissatisfaction and intention of career turnover, and to enable them to deliver high quality patient care, nurse managers need to encourage individual professional behaviours, and employ organizational empowerment strategies to support nurses’ professional practice. Keywords: empowerment, nursing, professional practice behaviours, patient care quality, job satisfaction, career turnover